Here is your size guide for the various types of wood floors that we offer at FloorsDubai.comAlthough these sizes do not represent all of the floors that are available for sale, they do give you a very good idea of the kind of size that is represented with each measurement that we present in our descriptions.Larger planks are great for large open spaces. Here, wider planks give a great expression and coverage showing off the bigger rooms without making the floor look too busy.The medium size planks are great for average sized rooms. These make sure that you get a floor that looks evenly spaced with the smaller planks giving great coverage as well as making the room appear to be bigger.The smaller planks are a great individualistic statement to the love of wood floors. They can be used to create patterns in the floor and can help achieve a bespoke that will make you fall in love!Here at – we are always trying to bring you the best experience and the biggest collection of floors to choose from. That being said, if there is anything in particular that you would like to see here. Or a type of floor that would make you happy, please do write to us at:
[email protected] and we will do our best to make it happen.