How to measure your room
If you want to make direct purchases on, you will need to know how much flooring you will need to begin with. This is why we have put together this short guide to help you through the process of measuring your room properly.

Option 1

This always the easiest. Make an appointment with one of our estimators to come visit your office or home and do the measurements for you. Weather you decide to use our installation service or not is completely up to you. The measurement service is absolutely free.

Our experts will visit your property and carefully measure and decide on everything you will need to achieve a high quality installation. This extensive report will then be provided to you via mail. You can then decide to come back to us with a selection and a request for installation, or you can proceed with buying just the floors from us based on the measurements that you have received. In any case, the process is completely free of any obligations.

Option 2

This option is what we call the fun option. There are now, available online, various room measuring apps that you can use. These come with their own easy to follow instructions that convert your smartphone or tablet into a measuring device.

These apps make it very easy to perform house or office measurements while making for you a floor plan that you can always use in the future when dealing with contractors and such.

Be sure to double check your measurement either physically or through a laser measure. In any case, making your floor plan can be a fun evening activity.

Armed with your new floor plan, you can either order your desired new floor right of the website or shoot it off to us at [email protected] for an official quote with or without installation.

Option 3

This option is for our hand on – do it yourself individual. You can easily measure your room using a few pointers to give you a fairly proper estimate of how much flooring you are going to need.

Taking the length and width of your room using a tape measure is the easiest way to measure the room.

If you have corridoors branching off from the room, you can easily divide your room into rectagles and squares.

Measure each separately and then combine to give you, your dimensions.

Finally, it is always best to give yourself an extra 5% on the measurements to ensure you have enough flooring for off cuts and wastage during the actual installation.

Throughout the website, you will find detailed instruction on how to actually install your floor. In case you come across any difficulties, our support department is always eager to help. Either contact us or shoot us an email at [email protected] for a quick resolution.

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