SPC Flooring

With the increasing advances and innovations in home design, flooring concepts are exceeding expectations in a good way. Although we serve sectors that are subject to frequent change, we are pleased to provide our customers with products that complement the overall design of their homes or businesses. We offer great tools that can assist you in finding the kind of flooring for which you have been searching for years. Floors Dubai has the greatest selection of flooring solutions, including luxury SPC flooring in Dubai. All you have to do is tell us your needs, and we will bring the best and most durable flooring solutions to you.

Showing all 9 results

cosmopolitan oak herringbone spc
130.00 AED Per M2
135.00 AED
Cosmopolitan Oak SPC flooring
110.00 AED Per M2
135.00 AED Per M2
135.00 AED Per M2
135.00 AED Per M2
135.00 AED Per M2
135.00 AED Per M2
150.00 AED Per square meter


Over the years, we have seen that hardwood flooring has been favored and valued as a flooring option. When laid, SPC flooring resembles wood flooring and leaves a wooden impression. Regarding installation, SPC flooring contains numerous layers, all of which are flawlessly fitted by our professionals. Since quality is our guiding principle, we have applied it to every layer, providing the highest degree of dependability in terms of sturdiness and longevity to our luxury SPC flooring in Dubai.


With our increasingly hectic schedules, it is becoming more difficult to maintain the flooring, which is why we are constantly seeking solutions that are simple to clean. Hence, they have a long life and sustained appearance. Our after-sales services provide a comprehensive guide for cleaning and maintaining the floor, and for such a surface, frequent wet mopping is sufficient.


If you are considering installing new flooring in your business, luxury SPC flooring in Dubai is a viable option. In addition to being non-slippery, all of its other attributes increase its worth.